Tax Category
21 Feb, 2029
Maturity Date
(4 Yr 3 Mo 13 D to mature)
Interest Payment Frequency
NRI Eligibility
21 Feb, 2019
Allotment Date
Put Date
15 Oct, 2025
Next Interest Payment Date
15 days
Shut Period
Active on NSDL/CDSL
Type of Guarantee
Private Placement
Mode of Issue
Listing Details
Public Sector Undertaking
Type of Issuer
Quote Not Available
Dirty Price
Error Generating Cashflow 😥. We are looking into this.
Repayment Priority
Higher the level, higher the priority of investment repayment on default
Security with Collateral?
An investment secured with collateral helps
Indian Railway Finance Corporation Ltd was incorporated by the Government of India, Ministry of Railways (MoR) in 1986 as a financing arm of the Indian Railways for the purpose of raising necessary resources for meeting the developmental needs of the Indian Railways. The company’s principal business is to borrow funds from financial markets to finance the acquisition/creation of assets, which are then leased out to the Indian Railways as a finance lease. Apart from providing finance to the MoR, IRFC provides loans to RVNL, an entity wholly owned by the MoR, and IRCON, a public sector undertaking in which the GoI has a majority stake
The ratio in FY24 is 15.53x and it was 17.73x in FY23, indicating decrease in the debt level due to decrease in the borrowings of the issuer in FY24.
The ratio in FY24 is 1.32x and it was 1.35x in FY23, indicating decreased ability of the issuer to service the debt due to increase in finance costs.
Interest coverage ratio
Jul 11, 2024 | Indian Railway Finance Corporation Limited
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